Wall graffiti design

Thursday, March 23rd, 2017

The bright Saturday morning found the group of Vismayam College Design students near the GMUP School, Tirur. Expectant and prepared for their assigned task which was to support and lend ears to “voices from the soul” as expounded by the ‘Vaikhari’ movement initiated by Shri Suresh P. Venugopal. The theme was about Man collaborating with Nature and the communication going on between them.

A formal meeting preceded the activities planned for the day and was inaugurated by noted cartoonist, Mr. Venu. Tirur Township Chairman, Adv. S. Girish presided over the meeting formalities. Eminent local public figures, including Mr. C. Mamotty (Tirur MLA) and Mr. Abdurahim (Tanur MLA) were among those present.

The elite group, members from different likeminded Associations, with clear objectives of promoting awareness on man’s indifference endangering nature and attempts to look out for measures to reverse this damage. The invitation for group effort extends to all strata of society and is backed by a deep sense of urgency.

The Vismayam group of thirty odd design students spent the day plying brush and paint over an area spread over ten walls and succeeded in conveying a message that appeared to unfold in a sequence.

The socially relevant event received great press coverage and was reported in most of the Malayalam dailies including Malayalam Manorama, Mathrubhumi, Madhyamam, Thejus and Deshabhimani. The local Malayalam channel, TVN, also paid rich tribute to it.

The images and videos posted here are intended to inspire one and all to uplift our spirits towards a higher awareness and helping Nature to regain her lost balance.

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