How to Create a Professional Interior Design Portfolio?

Interior design portfolio

An interior design portfolio is a collection of visual representations that showcase past and current interior design projects, similar to a resume. An outstanding portfolio showcases why an individual should be selected to join a team of designers or hired by a company. An interior design portfolio highlights an interior designer’s personality and planning abilities. A portfolio usually showcases an individual’s style, fashion sense, and creative processes through imagery rather than words, as it contains more pictures than text.

Important steps to make an interior design portfolio
Whether you want to work for an established firm or go it alone, you must show that you are a skilled and competent professional who can be relied on to produce quality work.

Craft an attractive introduction
It is critical to include an introduction in your portfolio. It aims to give readers a clear understanding of who you are and what you hope to achieve in your career. Consider writing a brief biography highlighting your educational background, design philosophy, and exceptional interior design skills. This introduction will establish the tone for the rest of your portfolio.

Select and add design samples
Next, choose a variety of samples that demonstrate your best qualities and abilities as an interior designer. The setup of the samples can be something other than client projects, as you can include renderings, drawings, color swatches, and other exciting content. What is crucial is that the samples you choose represent the business image and design style you want to convey to forecasts.

Organize your design samples
One of the most thought-provoking facets of making a creative portfolio is unifying your work correctly. Creating your book apparent and scannable will help readers navigate your portfolio and discover what’s closest to their interests.

Update your portfolio
As an interior designer, you are continuously embryonic; let your interior design portfolio replicate that! Add new projects as they are completed. And get rid of any older ones that have become out of date. It’s also critical to keep your portfolio current with industry trends.

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September 7th, 2023

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How to Become An Interior Designer

You must be wondering how to become an interior designer? Suppose you plan to make your career in interior designing and need clarification about how it matches you and will offer good job options in the future. Here comes the right guide to help to know about an interior designing program and its career prospects.

What is Interior designing?

Interior designing is the planning, designing, and implementation of architectural interiors. The interior space of a building must be designed by a professional interior designer who comprehends interior architecture. If you have the drive and imagination to design commercial and residential spaces, interior design is a great career choice. It offers a chance for a global career and the freedom to practice independently.

Qualifications needed to become an Interior Designer

The best interior design schools in India provide thorough undergraduate and graduate interior design programs to those interested. Having the appropriate credentials in interior design could help you start a successful career. To obtain the necessary education, training, and abilities for the position, you can pursue a B.Sc. in Interior Designing as an undergraduate degree and then an M.Sc. in Design Space as a postgraduate degree. You can also look at some colleges’ interior design diploma programs. Even if you start your own interior design business, having legitimate credentials from one of India’s top interior design universities is always preferable. Your clients would feel more comfortable hiring you if you had these credentials when designing or renovating their space.

Job opportunities in interior designing

Numerous opportunities are available to candidates who have successfully attained the required qualifications in interior design. They are employable as lighting designers, aesthetic merchandisers, production designers, art directors, exhibition designers, and interior and spatial designers. Additionally, they can start their own interior design business and work with various clients. It is important for interior designers to stay up-to-date on the latest trends since the industry is highly competitive.

Wrap up!

Woohoo!! Now you got an idea for how to become an interior designer? So, don’t wait!! Grab your seats from the top interior design college.

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May 23rd, 2023

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BSc Interior Design

Why BSc interior design?

BSc Interior Design is a highly regarded career pathway with diverse employment opportunities. Interior design is a rewarding career for those who enjoy transforming ordinary spaces into visually appealing spaces. BSc Interior Design is an excellent course for an individual who is creative and enjoys beautifying spaces. It is an effective way to demonstrate one’s talent and design skills while growing and meeting new people to broaden one’s horizons.


Interior design is a thriving profession

interior designer salary

Interior design has recently emerged as an appealing career path, resulting in a plethora of employment options for young and skilled aspirants. With more citizens’ desire to invest in luxurious and relaxing homes, the interior design industry is becoming increasingly important in building projects. A degree in BSc interior design can provide aspiring designers with a plethora of job opportunities.



You are working on complex projects

City residences


When confronted with complex projects requiring careful analysis, an interior designer’s creative thinking and practical expertise are tested. A designer can establish a relationship with his customers and provide results while meeting requirements. Working on complex projects will put your analytical abilities and capacity to make quick decisions to the test while advancing your professional experience.

You get the proper exposure

interior design


Working alongside architects and engineers can provide an interior designer with the necessary exposure. They get to communicate ideas and learn from each other, which adds to their existing knowledge. The right direction can propel an interior designer’s career to new heights. Interaction with various professionals can help you learn essential skills that will help you recognize the industry better, resulting in value addition.


Chance to become an entrepreneur

be your own boss

The ever-expanding construction industry has created limitless opportunities for interior designers to advance in various fields. With an interior design degree, you can also work independently by establishing your own company and becoming an entrepreneur. Getting on challenging and complex design concepts will give you the courage to pursue high-level interior design contracts as an entrepreneur and develop your own group.

An interior design career is an excellent choice for an ambitious young designer with distinct eyesight. Customers prefer sustainable designs these days, and a degree in design teaches you exactly that!


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January 28th, 2023

Posted In: 2023, Interior design, interior design faq, Interior design profession, Landscape, Learn AutoCAD

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learning AutoCAD

Learning AutoCAD 

Learning AutoCAD plays important role in the design industry. AutoCAD is a 2D and 3D CAD drafting tool developed by Autodesk that was introduced decades ago. It’s a CAD (Computer Aided Design and Drafting) tool that depicts traditional drafting objects using vector graphics. It is also possible to display design objects as raster or bitmap graphics using AutoCAD.

By learning AutoCAD software helps you communicate object-level design ideas to clients efficiently and effectively. As an ambitious young student of architecture, engineering, interior design, and so on, you will almost certainly need CAD skills to succeed. Learning how to use CAD will be necessary at some point throughout your career. Continuing to pursue a professional course in architecture or engineering is thus a compelling reason to learning AutoCAD.

Being creative with AutoCAD

The ability to design with CAD is a creative skill that will improve your much-needed technical skills and Knowledge. In addition to completing design projects with CAD skills, you can enjoy it as a hobby or make money from it by setting up a source of income. Allowing you to pursue a professional career in various fields, including engineering, architecture, interior design, fashion design, manufacturing, project management, and so on.

Before computers, designers had to revise their designs manually. You’d have to start from scratch or edit an existing draught, which could get chaotic and challenging to understand. AutoCAD makes it simple to change and reshape designs.AutoCAD’s user-friendly interface makes it easier to learn other CAD software. A thorough understanding of CAD allows you to learn and experiment with more intricate CAD design tools on the market.

Using AutoCAD in Architect Designing has simplified the process of sharing files with multiple people simultaneously. It is challenging to work on large files and start sharing them without losing data. However, this software has simplified the uploading of designed data to the internet and sharing it with many other designers.

To plan color effects, space, design, textiles, and styles, any experienced interior and exterior designer must be familiar with AutoCAD. Along with these variables, everyone engaged in the home design process is concerned about the budget. A specialist architect designer can improve the aesthetics of a building for a fee. It is used by professionals from various fields to design and build buildings, structures, and infrastructure. Automation in AutoCAD works properly and assists users in completing tasks efficiently and precisely.





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January 28th, 2023

Posted In: 2023, Auto CAD, Interior design, interior design faq, Landscape, Learn AutoCAD, Media, Multimedia

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Career opportunities in 3ds max

Career opportunities in 3ds max

3ds Max is a fantastic computer graphics software for creating 3D digital photos, 3 Dimensional models, and animations. It is a very widely used software among 3D artists because the capabilities available in it are remarkable. Career opportunities in 3ds max are numerous. For professional training in 3ds max, many institutes offer fantastic training courses. After completing this professional program, several Career opportunities in 3ds max wait aspirants. 

3ds max is essentially a crucial aspect of someone’s life who works in the production of games and movies. It is used by professionals and features a versatile plug-in facility only available on the Windows platform. So, let’s take a look at the various Career opportunities in 3ds max.

Video game designer

video game

Video game designers build the essential aspects of video games to make them more engaging and exciting. To make the characters and locations more appealing and realistic to the viewer, video game designers use 3ds Max design and modeling.

3d designer

realistic gaming experience


A 3D designer is responsible for materializing conceptions, including representations of locations, people, and things, by investigating ideas and addressing potential difficulties or flaws with the designs and one-dimensional graphics. A 3D designer can also enhance their models to create market-ready products.

3d animator

animation courses


A 3D animator makes animations that are three-dimensional and may be utilized in films, motion pictures, television programs, and other applications. Some 3D animators specialize in specific sorts of animation, such as creating objects, individuals, or backdrops, but others take a broader approach and make animations of all kinds.


3d printing technician

Career opportunities in 3ds max

A 3D printing technician prepares data for 3D printing and ensures that the equipment functions correctly to deliver a successful prototype or product. Because 3D printing has become such an essential part of the 3D modeling and design industry, many people who choose to work in this profession will need to be familiar with 3D printing technology and equipment.


Web developer

web design profession

A web developer designs and builds websites for a company or a group of clients. They utilize 3D design concepts since many modern websites incorporate three-dimensional graphics and representations to provide users with a more engaging experience.

Architectural designer

Prepare your portfolio

An architectural designer collaborates with architects and other real estate design professionals to generate layouts, blueprints, and drawings for structures and landscapes. They may also collaborate closely with the client to identify their needs and expectations before designing to suit those desires.







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January 12th, 2023

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best designing software

widely used interior design software.

Choosing the best designing software is essential for success in the interior design field. Selecting the right program or best designing software allows your business to achieve top results and streamline day-to-day operations. The job of an interior designer is not easy, but software solutions are available to assist designers in increasing their efficiency. You’ve come to the best place if you’re looking for the best designing software that properly fulfills your design criteria.



SketchUp is a 3D modeling computer tool for sketching and designing that lets designers personalize their work environment for maximum functionality. Designers may use SketchUp to convert 2D floor plan drawings into customized 3D models. SketchUp offers a generous 30-day trial period for testing the program before committing to one of its three paid membership plans.



Floorplanner provides free and low-cost subscription plans starting at $5 per month to create interior spaces in 3D digitally. With Floorplanner, designers may make an accurate 3D visualization of a room from a 2D floor plan. Floorplanner is suitable for all online browsers and has a phone device that allows you to access it from anywhere.



SmartDraw has an extensive library of predefined templates that may use to create complex, customized 2D floor plans and designs. SmartDraw produces highly polished renderings with user-friendly features such as automatic alignment, formatting, and coloring for professional presentations of 2D drawings. It’s an excellent tool for beginners, but it also has many features that advanced designers can use when working on complex projects.

Planner 5D


Planner 5D provides a user-friendly interface for individuals just getting started with CAD software and converting 2D floor layouts into 3D designs. Planner 5D is an excellent alternative for individuals new to interior design software and gives simple-to-use tools. With the Snapshots tool, Planner 5D creates photorealistic 3D renderings.

Chief Architect


Chief Architect is a construction design software that provides advanced capabilities for creating highly detailed, customized interior and exterior residential designs. Chief Architect has features that may be ideal for interior designers who collaborate closely with construction managers or architects. It provides details and precision when creating 360-degree panoramic renderings.




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December 31st, 2022

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Difference between interior designers and interior decorators

The difference between an interior designer and an interior decorator is not well known. Even though there are similarities between them, they are different careers. People often mistake interior decorators and interior designers. Here are some similarities and differences between interior designers and interior decorators.


Interior designers

Interior designers are mostly professionals with a degree or diploma in interior designing. There are different ways one can become an interior designer. Interior designers should how the architecture and the built of the space. They use a mixture of science and art to create a perfect interior design. They work alongside the architects to create functional and beautiful living spaces. The experts in the field of interior design must have a firm grasp on building construction. They strive to create optimal functioning spaces with cost-effective methods.


Interior decorator

Interior decorators mainly focus on enhancing the aesthetics of the living space. As the word ‘decorate’ indicates they nicely decorate the given space. They may redo or rearrange the wallpapers, paint color, and furniture of the interior. Interior decorators do not have to hold any relevant degree. They are mostly people with good artistic creativity and a knack for décor. They work within the framework of the space and its functionality. To change the aesthetics of the space they make use of fabric, paint, furnishing, and accessories.


Who hires interior designers and decorators?

Both of them are hired by the owner, architect, or developer. Before they begin, interior designers meet with the client to understand how space will be utilized. Interior designers while creating a plan focus on things like building fire safety, accessibility, efficiency, and functionality. They also keep sound and acoustics in mind. Creating the plan for the walls and floors requires architectural base knowledge. They make use of science to create optimal results. The total budget is estimated during the planning phase

On the other hand interior decorators while planning and designing keep in mind only things of aesthetic value like flooring, furnishing, lighting, fixtures, accessories, fabric, paint, and art. Interior designers work on both commercial and residential levels while decorators largely work on the residential level.

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June 1st, 2021

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7 principles of interior design are widely accepted by everyone in the industry. It is tried and true recipe to create interior spaces that are functional and aesthetically pleasing at the same time. Like the golden ratio in architecture the 7 principles also enhance and elevate the interior design.

Let’s dive deeper and get to know all seven principles of interior design.



The first thing to keep in mind is balance. What is balance in terms of interior designing? It is referred to as “visual weight” distribution. “Visual weight” refers to how heavy or how light an object appears to the human eye. Large, solid, dark, or colorful seems heavier to the eye than small, thin, open, or light objects seem lighter to the eye.

A good way to ensure that the visual weight distribution is good is by dividing the space into 4 quadrants and each quadrant should contain roughly the same amount of furnishing.



Like the music, repetition helps in visual appeal too. Just as creating musical patterns creating a visual pattern is necessary for interior designing. It creates a space that is cohesive and gives a seamless moment to the eye to flow around the room. The element for repetition can be anything from texture, shape, pattern to finished materials.



Try to create a focal point. It can be something inbuilt like a fireplace or something that is deliberately placed in a way like a piece of art or furniture. Lay the design around the focal point such that it is the first thing someone will notice when entering the room.


Contrast and variety

To make sure the interior is not boring contrast and variety, to say the least, is a must. Additionally, contrast gives the space drama and variety adds diversity and personality. You can achieve it by pairing contrasting colors, shapes, and textures


Scale and proportion

Scale and proportion will ensure that objects in the room belong and relate to each other. Proportion refers to the size of one object concerning another while Scale refers to the size of objects within a space.


 Unity and Harmony

Unity and harmony ensure that everything goes with everything else in the room. It is achieved when the design and furniture follow the theme. Decorating accordingly with items that have common colors, patterns, shape, or style will help to achieve unity and harmony




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May 24th, 2021

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Interior designing career options seem to be not many but, it is not true. In India, there is a demand for more than 1 lakh interior designers in different for different specialization. The common misconception that interior designing as a career only entails the job of designing living spaces.

There are numerous interior designing career options for interior designing graduates. Below is a list of fun and creative job titles after graduation.


Furniture Designer

If you have a strong inclination towards tasteful furniture that enhances the commercial or personal living spaces this is the job for you! Your job is to create modern furniture that is both stylish and functional.


Exhibition designer

Most of the world is not aware of this job title. In fact, it is one of many jobs that are not well known to the public. The job is to create temporary fixtures and display stand for art galleries, museums, large public exhibitions, conferences, trade show, and businesses.


Kitchen designers

Demand for a stylish, personalized, and functional kitchen for commercial and personal spaces. Hence, the job entitles creating, updating, and remodeling the kitchen area. You will have to regularly meet with the clients to discuss building materials, themes, room layout, colors, and patterns and embody their dreams into reality.


Production designer

This is one of the fanciest and high fame job titles. Production designers are responsible for the visual concepts of television, theatre or film sets. They are in charge of creating a set with props, location, and graphics, lighting, costume, and camera angle therefore, the job is a very demanding high reward type of career. Also, every set and production is unique and each location/scene has its challenges.


Architectural Technologist/building technologist

The job is to provide building designing service, train in architectural technology and builds technical design and construction. They work alongside architects to produce compelling unique commercial spaces.


Universal Designer

Tricky but well rewarding job. Universal designs are designs that take into consideration of people with a wide range of difficulties and accommodate all people. Universal designs can help people with disabilities to access and utilize public spaces that would otherwise be difficult to use.





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April 19th, 2021

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Interior design trends 2021 surely reflect the world’s view on the year. New Year new hope. 2020 was an unexpected roller-coaster ride to most people. With the pandemic, flying restrictions, work from home, and lockdown most of our lives have been turned upside down. People who rarely spend time indoors were forced to live inside their homes. This has bought significant growth in the need for personalized and comforting living spaces.

To reflect upon the New Year hopes Pantone named their shades for the year Illuminating, a zingy yellow, and Ultimate Yellow, a pale grey. This may be a surprise for a few but I think it suites the year perfectly.

If you are interested in Interior designing why not take that up as a career?

Here’s a list of interior design trends of 2021 that is hot in the trending list.


Distant Shores


Reflecting people’s desire of wanting to go out and travel. No wonder why distant shores are trending. The interior features tropical brights, subtle monotones, and soft lemons. It is like bringing a vacation to your home. The interior creates a calm and relaxing living space making it safe and inviting to recharge.

Easy digital prints and tropical florals and leaves are used to brighten up the rooms.


Home office


The recent pandemic has forced people to work from home. Need to create a dedicated home office/work pace has increased drastically. New interior featuring home office has the focal point uses creative ways to bring harmony and separation to your workspace and personal space.


Statement headboards and canopies


Statement headboards and colourful canopies as a focal point add a bold but fun statement to your bedroom. With outlandish colours and designs, statement headboards and canopies started catching the trend after the rise of boutique hotels. It adds a fun and personalized touch to your bedroom and surely people will take a double-take of your room.


House Plants



Adding greenery to your interior design has been a trend for some time now. Lockdown had made it more popular amongst the urban areas. Homeowners who previously didn’t have time in their hands to take care of plants have shifted towards keeping house plants as a hobby.


Luxurious interiors


Elevating normal boring interior living spaces with a splash of luxury. It lifts your mood. Adding a few touches here and there can subtly increase the whole feel of the interior. The ever-growing admiration towards glamorous living sparked the return of luxury to interior designing trends. It has features that evoke the feeling of luxuries such as geometric shapes, luxury velvets, monochrome prints, and cashmere throws give the illusion of luxury.



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April 16th, 2021

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Interior design Eligibility and course fee frequently asked questions are given below. Please refer to it for all things related to interior design Eligibility and course fee in case of admission queries regarding it.

Eligibility and Course fee

1. How can I register for BSc Interior design?

You can register online at or call at 0494 2722242. Once you have registered a counselor will be assigned to you to explain in detail the course structure and fee details.

2. I graduated 10th can I join BSc Interior design?

No, BSc Interior design is a degree level course you must graduate 12th or diploma equivalent to it.

3.I graduated 12th but my stream is commerce. Am I eligible for BSc Interior design?

Yes, a candidate with a 12th or diploma in any stream is eligible to apply for BSc Interior design. There is no issue regarding the stream or subjects taken.

4.What is the course fee for BSc Interior design?

A good average estimate for a BSc Interior design course is between 60,000 to 1, 00000 Rupees. Interior design is a hands-on course in which the institute has to provide various applications, laboratories, workshops, and expert sessions.

5.I finished my diploma in interior design can I pursue BSc in Interior design?

Yes, you can pursue a degree after completing a diploma in Interior design. Furthermore, you can do lateral entry and enter the second year directly.


1. Are hostel facilities provided for the students enrolled?

All programs of the college are non-residential. Regardless of that, there is limitless hostel accommodation available for the newcomers in the surrounding area. As the College is located in the heart of Kozhikode city. Apart from this, there are numerous homestay facilities nearby the campus. Students can choose the accommodation style they prefer.

2.Are there any suggestions for hostels from the college?

Yes, there are a few hostels and homestays that hosted our alumni and have good facilities. The counselor will give you a list of them. You can go and check it out and pick a hostel that is desirable and affordable for you.


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April 15th, 2021

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These interior designing tips and tricks can help you redesign your living space. Here are some interior designing tips that will guide you to accomplish that. A well-made interior design is a statement. It reflects your personal style and taste. As an amateur decorating, furnishing, lighting, and accessorizing may seem hard and confusing. But if you have a good imagination and a style on your mind the task can be accomplished with the help of these tips

If you are someone with a zest for redecorating and designing interior spaces consider taking up interior designing as a career. There are many degrees, diplomas, and certification courses available. Interior designing as a career offers a wide variety of jobs.

Some of the major interior designing tips to keep in mind are

Decide the style

Before trying to redo your living space make sure to pick a style and stick to it. To make the interior more appealing stick to a style and make sure you fit your furniture, accessories, art, wallpaper, lighting, etc fit with the theme.


Lighting is quintessential to any space. One way to make sure the room has good lighting is by observing how natural sunlight falls in the place. If there are places where there is no or weak natural lighting consider placing lights there. Go with lighting that fits your preferred interior style.


One tip is not to purchase furniture that comes in a set. A little bit of variation will add more soul to space. Don’t overspend on the furniture that will leave you with little money for the rest of the things.

Walls and flooring

In small spaces go bold in colour and style in terms of the wall colour. Make sure not to pick paint before you settle on a style. Only choose a colour when the theme is finalized.

A good way to elevate the floor without redoing the entire floor is by adding rugs and carpets that bring life by adding colour, texture, and warmth to the place. Keep in mind to add cheap and durable rugs in high use/traffic common areas and luxuries more expensive carpets/ rugs

Accent pieces and accessories

These might seem like unnecessary spending but, trust us accent piece and accessories goes a long way. For example, if you are a big beach fan incorporate elements from it like seashells in a jar for display.

If done right it can add a personal touch without being overwhelming. It ties everything together creating harmony among different elements.




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April 15th, 2021

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BSc Interior Designing syllabus and eligibility vary across various universities but the core subject and minimum eligibility are almost homogeneous across all universities. After completing 12th-grade students are often confused when choosing a career path. Questions like which stream to pick, which careers will be optimal plague their minds. If you are artistically gifted and have a keen eye to furnish and create aesthetically pleasing environments you might have already thought of interior designing as a career path. given below are the detailed BSc Interior designing syllabus and eligibility of Bharathiar University.

Eligibility criteria

Minimum eligibility for BSc Interior designing is 12th graduation. also, lateral entry to second-year is possible for students who completed a one-year diploma in interior design.

Interior design Syllabus (Bharathiar University)

The university follows yearly examination as opposed to semester-wise that most other university structure and courses.








Subject and paper

University Exam.
Duration in Hours Max. Marks




I Language Paper 1 Language-I (Optional language) 3 100
II English Paper 1 English (Communication skills) 3 100




Practical 1 Interior Design – I 3 100
Practical 2 Interior Graphics – I 3 100
Theory 1 Materials of Interiors – I 3 75
Practical 3 Presentation Technique 3 75
3 Theory and 3 Practical Total Marks 550

Second Year








Subject and paper

University Exam.
Duration in Hours Max. Marks







Practical 4 Interior Design – II 3 100
Practical 5 Interior Graphics – II 3 100
Practical 6 Furniture Design 3 100
Theory 2 Materials of Interiors – II 3 75
Practical 7 Computer Application in Design – I 3 100
Theory 3 Estimation and Costing in Interiors 3 75
2 Theory and 4 Practical Total Marks 550



Third Year







Subject and paper

University Exam.
Duration in Hours Max. Marks







100 Interior Design – III 3 100
75 Landscape and Environmental


3 100
75 Professional Practice and


3 100
100 Scheme Detailing (Working


3 75
100 Computer Application in Design – II 3 100
150 Office Training (Internship) 3 75
2 Theory, 3 Practical,

1 Project

Total Marks 600


The three-year BSc interior designing focus on various core aspects of interior designing. There are several job opportunities waiting for students who graduate. The rise in urbanization and population made sustainable interior spaces in high demand.




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March 20th, 2021

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Interior designing after 12th  is an excellent choice for those who want a career that is artistically inclined but also craves a high-paying in-demand job. More and more people want to customize living spaces according to their preferences. New and intuitive designs for offices, commercial, restaurants, and homes are in demand due to the space constraint. Innovative solutions to small living spaces to create designs to maximize the utility at the same time minimize the clutter.

Though there are countless reasons one may want to pursue a career in interior design. There are a few reasons that influence most people to choose interior designing after 12th. It is not a career choice for faint hearts, it requires knowledge and expertise in multiple domains such as technical drawing, designing using tools, applying it into a wide range of places, and marketing your skills to customers.


Here are some great reasons to choose interior designing after 2th.

Challenging projects.

Each project is unique and hence challenging. This helps you test your creativity and technical skills. If you are someone who enjoys creating unique projects this job will fit you well.

Booming industry

Interior designing was not that well known in olden times but the current generation shows great interest in customizing spaces to accommodate their preference.



The job brings a great deal of exposure to plenty of experts in other fields like architects and engineers which will help you learn and grow in your field.


Be your own boss.

The headings say it all. You are the boss of your work, your work won’t be limited to just office you will be required to visit multiple sites and meet up with clients. There is a good balance between office and client visits which is great if you are not a big fan of a desk job


Job Satisfaction

If designing and creating interior designs give you satisfaction then you are on right track. If the job gives you satisfaction and you can satisfy your client’s requests you will become successful in this field.


Interior designing is an ever-growing field with new innovative and sustainable design. Learning and developing never cease to exist if you pursue this career. Good luck!

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March 20th, 2021

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Top 10 interior designing colleges, why chose them?

Interior designing is a sort-after career choice that is exclusively for the candidate who wants to have creative liberty. It combines mathematics and arts to create visual harmony and peace. Therefore, some colleges fall under the top 10 interior designing colleges in Kerala and some don’t.

The evaluation is based on

The number of applications received to the number of seats available.

Higher the number of applications and lower the number of seats. hence, Some colleges conduct entrance tests where thousands of students compete for a limited number of seats.

Faculty and Alumni

Renowned and well-known faculty with experience and qualifications beyond just teaching. Besides that Some faculty and staff members are well known of top colleges same goes for the alumni. If the students who passed out to become major sharks of the industry, dominating the field. It gives off a well-round reputation for the college or department.

Affiliation and certification

One of the major contributors to being on the list of top 10 colleges in Kerala is affiliation and certification. furthermore, The value of the University the college is associated with is used to determining whether the college goes under the list. Which will ultimately determine the value of your certificate of education.

College facilities.

How equipped the college is in terms of facilitating the course/degree offers makes a huge difference in the ranking of the college. For Interior designing other than just classroom learning to develop the students in creative ways well-equipped studio, laboratory with software such as 3DS Max, Ravit, Sketch-up, etc are necessary. Other extra-curricular activities like expert sessions, site visits, and industrial visits could determine the quality of education provided.

Vismayam College of arts and media falls under one of the top 10 colleges. More than a decade of devotion to perfect the art of teaching. Dedicated faculty and well-equipped studio and facilities for interior designing students.  graduates get placement in various firms aided by the college’s placement team.





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March 13th, 2021

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Best interior designing colleges can be hard to choose, researching and gathering details about them need great precision. For some of us creating an aesthetic landscape is a passion but, passion alone can’t make a career. To transform a passion into a profession needs a great deal of planning also a great deal of creativity.

Do you have what it takes to be an interior designer?

Interior designing is an artistic job. There should be a streak of imagination to transform empty spaces and bland walls into tasteful lively spaces. Here are 3 things to keep in mind while choosing the best interior design college to kick start your career in the industry.


One of the criteria that all the best interior design colleges have in common is reputation also these colleges are often competitive in terms of admission. A college with a good reputation will do wonders for your career. Make sure to choose an option with strong alumni who went on to be successful. There are many colleges with a good reputation but don’t let it fool you, be specific and confirm that the college has a good reputation for the interior designing department.


How relevant is the course offered? Make sure to do your research thoroughly. A few ways to narrow your options are to choose a college that provides an updated syllabus for learning. Make sure the software used is relevant in the real-world working environment.


How valuable your is degree certificate? There are hundreds of degrees and diplomas available to pursue for varying durations of time with different syllabus and projects. Ensure that major companies in the industry accept and recognizes the degree college provides.

Vismayam College of arts and media is one of the best interior designing colleges in Calicut it is the result of reputation that is stemmed from more than a decade of successful output. Get a detailed syllabus and course structure to make your rightful choice.

Suggested readings for you..

Syllabus and eligibility

After 12th

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March 11th, 2021

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It marks one as a leader who walks faster, pushes ahead, opens doors, but at the same time is mindful of his team, checking their progress and helping them get past barriers.⁣⁣
⁣⁣The description would match the efforts undertaken by young and striking Affan, alumnus of the College, whose designing work earned for his firm – 90 Degree Design Studio – the most promising Interior design firm of the year 2020, at National Architecture & Interior Design Excellence awards 2020.⁣⁣
⁣⁣One remembers him as a brilliant doodle artist and his art work usually covered the walls of the class rooms he attended study lessons.⁣⁣
⁣⁣Of a charming and affable personality, he was recently asked to reveal the secret of his success so early in his career and his immediate retort was a one liner, “My self-belief and my deep passion for what I do, supported by hard work and ambition drives me.’ A simple statement shared by nearly all achievers sums up Affan’s approach to life and commitment.

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October 21st, 2020

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If interior design has always fascinated you, then you should definitely explore career scope in interior design. The aim is
to become a successful interior designer who is skilled in all aspects of designing, be it space planning, furniture
designing, lighting, landscaping, applying fabric finishes or any other design branch. So the big question is-what are the
areas that have to be extensively understood to start working as an interior designer? Read on.


It remains an effective tool to convey ideas. Freehand sketches, proportional drawings, measured
drawings, projections; rendered illustrations- the category is specifically aimed at making you perfect in
conveying your designs to both laymen as well as professionals. Be it furniture, furnishings or views, graphics
help you in effective visual communication.


Design and architecture are constantly evolving. Naturally, one should be well informed about
existing and useful materials when it comes to construction and design of buildings, furniture and other
elements. A thorough knowledge of materials includes information regarding suitable as well as avoidable
materials according to the local climate of an area. Apart from improving efficient designing, the knowledge of
materials is very important in economizing the total designing process and making the project cost efficient.


Design is everywhere, literally. With increasing emphasis on environment, a designer these days
is expected to apply his/her skills not only to the house, but to its surroundings as well. Shrinking spaces have
led to the popularity of interior landscapes as well, such as courtyards and water bodies.
4. FABRICS. Interior fabrics such as carpets, curtains, upholsteries, bed spreads, table linen, kitchen linen to name
a few, add that hint of comfort and supple finish to a well defined interior. One should be aware of the vast
collection of soft furnishings available in the market these days, their uses, advantages and disadvantagesbefore they are applied to an interior.


What makes an interior attractive? The answer to this question forms the content to be learned in
aesthetics. Apart from effective arrangement of individual interior pieces, it is equally important to understand
the design secrets that add the Midas touch. A successful interior is the result of strategic application of design
principles and elements.


Each member of a family has his/her own choice when it comes to design and color. A clever designer is
successful in making the best of all selections and creating interiors that please the whole family. What comes
handy in that situation? A thorough understanding of colors. The right type of color in the right amount results
in the right outcome.


Some designers have keen interest in taking residential projects, others focus on
commercial sectors. When an interior design student is ready to begin his/her practice, they tend to have a fair
idea about their preferred areas. A multitude of specialties exist, such as kitchen design, product design,
furniture design, color consultancy, lighting and so on.


A building needs some essential services such as plumbing, fire and safety, adequate
heating and ventilation and electricity and interior designers make sure that all required services are
incorporated in a structure at the planning stage itself.


It is not just about Vastu or Feng Shui. Space planning requires in-depth knowledge regarding
building laws, bye- laws and related legal insights. It not only saves time in the planning stage itself, but it also
eases out many steps during construction period for both the client and the designer.
Depending on what course you select, you might learn some more or may superficially cover a particular topic during
course duration. The happy news is, learning does not have an expiry date! Armed with a strong theoretical and practical
base, you can make it big with time, perseverance and experience in the field of interior designing

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September 17th, 2020

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Beautiful spaces need careful planning and fruitful teamwork. Be it any type of space, designers definitely add value to the overall end use and looks of it. So, getting them on board is absolutely sensible. But, should you approach an interior design company or should you seek a freelancer?

While there is no doubt that these services may add to your expenses, however, they cut down both short term and long term liabilities. Here, the real work is to sort out the exact interior design company that will suit your project. Or, if it makes sense, a freelancer. But how do you decide on it?

Interior Designer Company vs Freelance Designer

While a freelancer may be more open to financial negotiation, a design firm may render a more professional service. Now, if you look at the current design industry, there is plenty of work for both freelancers and firms. Both are busy with their respective shares of projects.

For a better understanding, let us talk about an interior design company first. Well, a company has employees and employees need salaries. Add to that, the overheads of running the firm. Yes, such firms need sizable projects to sustain their livelihood.  Having a fleet of trained workers and teams cuts down the working time considerably. Which proves more beneficial to the client that the firm charges. You see, time is money.

Then, the fact that they establish a work flow, reduces distractions and confusions, which again fastens the whole design process.

On the other hand, a freelancer is mostly a beginner or someone who works more for the sake of passion. If we talk about a beginner, this designer probably has an internship experience and now wants to self- evaluate. That evaluation may be in terms of creativity, supervision, time management and material management. Generally, internships prepare these designers with the typical work flow a project may demand. Hence, many skilled designers indulge in this practice.

With freelancers, you have a bigger bracket of bargaining and more flexible method of working. Often, the client and the freelancer spend a lot of professional time together. This way, a lot of discussion goes into the details of the project. Of course, freelancers also have their own teams of workers. Naturally, the interactions are more one-to-one than those with a typical interior design company.

Interior Design Company And You

Working with an established firm gives you many perks.

  1. They have work flows and established design processes. Be it a residential or commercial project, design companies have certain templates and checklists for each type of project- all based on their experiences.
  2. They have considerable work experience and client testimonials– at a bigger scale. With each successfully completed project, these firms gain mass approval as testimonials to their works.
  3. They can manage larger projects more efficiently than freelancers, owning to their larger manpower and workforce.
  4. The work pattern is more organized, with different people handling different aspects of a single project, under one project manager.
  5. They have a market value, so you can actually crosscheck their claims and achievements more easily.
  6. They often specialize in the type of projects they would like to work with. For example, certain firms are interested in commercial spaces, while certain others like hospitality projects.

Freelance Designer and You

With freelancers, you get to experience different advantages.

  1. Freelancers are open to bargaining– and that is a fact for sure! The uncertain nature of work flow consistency, makes them open for negotiations.
  2. It is easier to customize your spaces since they work more closely with your space. Basically, it is a one-man show, hence can elaborate more easily on your requirements.
  3. They take up only one or two projects at a time. So, rest assured, your site is in your designer’s direct supervision almost all the time.
  4. Many freelancers opt for residential projects, so they are quite familiar in residential designing.
  5. They are the one-point contact center for all your worries and queries, hence they eliminate confusion or miscommunication.

Be it a house or an office, ultimately, useful design is the product of hard work and talent.

It is this very reason that you see many freelancers in design field. With their talent, perseverance and passion, they keep completing projects to their clients’ satisfaction. And most of the times, they source their works from mouth- to- mouth publicity.

On the other hand, when you entrust your project to an interior design company, the whole procedure becomes a cakewalk. Since they are already familiar with foolproof methods and techniques, You can literally throw away your worries and be a spectator to the progress of work.

There is no hard and fast rule regarding which project for whom. All types of designers can indulge in all types of project. Here, the only things that matter are their creativity and talent in making your design concept come to life.


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February 19th, 2020

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staircase safe interior

Who doesn’t love a comfortable and cozy home? But the real fun begins when the comfortable home looks all the more attractive. Of course, the design of a room depends on many factors,the most crucial being its size. This blog is about interior design ideas for that perfect finish to small rooms of your house.

Interior Design Ideas: Which style should I select?

The answer to this question decides the final outlook of your room. For a clutter-free interior, minimalism is ideal. But if it is not your call, look for other options that limit the clutter in a small room. Also, you can experiment by mixing two different styles and yet keep things cool! For example, take the earth tones and rough textures from rustic style and add it to a modern setting as accent. So, the point to keep in mind here is that you don’t need too much stuffs on the floors. Why? Because you need to move around smoothly and look around unobstructed.

1. Go light with colors!


In simple words, light colors make an interior look larger and more spacious. Hey, that doesn’t mean you paint everything white! You can work with light tones of your favorite color. Also, light colors tend to save up on your lighting needs. So basically with colors like off-white and faint blush, its a win-win situation!

2. Avoid dividing the space.

Not only will you hamper free air circulation with partitions, but you will also waste some space as well. So, use partitions ONLY if it is unavoidable. And if you feel a semi-private partition will be okay, opt for fabrics. Yes, fabrics offer interesting alternative for a solid opaque wall. Again, with light color, translucent material and light prints, you can add partition curtains that won’t make their presence felt.

3. Hide your storage.

Instead of going for a platform bed, opt for a box bed with concealed storage drawers. Also, don’t scatter many single storage units. Substitute them with a vertical chest of drawers that takes up less floor area and can also settle in a corner of room.

4. Lights please!

Do away with anything and everything that darkens the space. And that includes dark shades or colours, heavy textures on furnishings and surfaces or something as basic as low lighting. Also, plan for maximum use of daylight in such a way that you require almost no artificial light during daytime. Adequate light brings a certain energy and the space tends to look bigger and more spacious.

5. Mirror, mirror on the wall…

Wall Arts ~ Large Circle Mirror Wall Art Contemporary Art Deco Round intended for Round Mirror Wall Art

… can make your room look big, not small! Mirrors reflect light and so it only makes sense to create spacious illusions using them. Also, if you plan cleverly then mirrors are a great way of enhancing or manipulating various light sources in your room. However, this one is slightly tricky among other interior design ideas in the sense that excess of mirrors may cause unwanted glares,reflection or other such issues.

6. Select furniture that serves many functions.

Basically that means, opt for multipurpose furniture. There are a variety of options available in the market that work like magic for small spaces. Well, take for example, the sofa-cum-bed. For a small home with only a single bedroom, this piece of furniture is a big relief when guests drop in unannounced for the night!

7. Conceal your utility fixture-go modular.

Conceal your utility fixture-go modular

Modular cabinets or furniture are great if you have to keep changing your address every once in a while. And so, it is one of the best interior design ideas that you can add to a small room. How? Consider a foldable platform bed that conceals into a wall and reveals storage shelves on the other side during daytime. Also, fancy a tabletop concealed over the wall, to be revealed only when you have to chop your veggies or have that hot cup of soup!

8. Go vertical for pots,pans and greens!

Yes, you heard that right. Use your kitchen wall to fix accessories that can take care of your cutlery,pots and pans. Open storage shelves that extend vertically and similar accessories are great interior design ideas for small spaces. Also, extend this idea to your sweet little balcony and voila! Your vertical garden with pretty flower pots will add the touch of mother nature to your home.

9. Less details= More spacious

Try to avoid big elaborate patterns or decorative motifs on your wallpapers. Also, you can go for plains/stripes instead of detailed florals when you select carpets, curtains or rugs. Again, keep the tones light. Plain, straight, clean lines in your interior will definitely magnify the visual perception of available space. So even with your sofas and bed linen, go for plain versions or if you just can’t skip florals, select minimally patterned textiles.

10. Stair Repair

Use your stairs as built-in drawers for extra storage space. if the headroom height allows, you can actually set up a small library under a stair flight itself! Add some shelves to hold the books and make a cozy chair relax in one corner. Come to think of it, you can hide away in your books if you have such an adorable space in your home!

These interior design ideas are, what you may call, just the tip of the iceberg! With careful planning of your needs, budget and space, you can make the most of the little space you have in your home sweet home!


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August 20th, 2018

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