How to Become An Interior Designer

You must be wondering how to become an interior designer? Suppose you plan to make your career in interior designing and need clarification about how it matches you and will offer good job options in the future. Here comes the right guide to help to know about an interior designing program and its career prospects.

What is Interior designing?

Interior designing is the planning, designing, and implementation of architectural interiors. The interior space of a building must be designed by a professional interior designer who comprehends interior architecture. If you have the drive and imagination to design commercial and residential spaces, interior design is a great career choice. It offers a chance for a global career and the freedom to practice independently.

Qualifications needed to become an Interior Designer

The best interior design schools in India provide thorough undergraduate and graduate interior design programs to those interested. Having the appropriate credentials in interior design could help you start a successful career. To obtain the necessary education, training, and abilities for the position, you can pursue a B.Sc. in Interior Designing as an undergraduate degree and then an M.Sc. in Design Space as a postgraduate degree. You can also look at some colleges’ interior design diploma programs. Even if you start your own interior design business, having legitimate credentials from one of India’s top interior design universities is always preferable. Your clients would feel more comfortable hiring you if you had these credentials when designing or renovating their space.

Job opportunities in interior designing

Numerous opportunities are available to candidates who have successfully attained the required qualifications in interior design. They are employable as lighting designers, aesthetic merchandisers, production designers, art directors, exhibition designers, and interior and spatial designers. Additionally, they can start their own interior design business and work with various clients. It is important for interior designers to stay up-to-date on the latest trends since the industry is highly competitive.

Wrap up!

Woohoo!! Now you got an idea for how to become an interior designer? So, don’t wait!! Grab your seats from the top interior design college.

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May 23rd, 2023

Posted In: Architecture, Interior design, Interior Design, Interior Design Course, Interior design profession

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architecture and interior designing

Architecture and Interior Designing.

3ds Max, formerly known as a 3D studio and 3D Studio Max, is a professional 3D modelling, animation, and rendering application designed for creating 3D animations, models, interactive games, and visual effects for the entertainment business. It is extremely important in creating the 2D cross-section shapes of 3D models. By using a unique character known as inverse kinematics, which connects a character’s various parts, it may bring characters to life. The corporation will eventually update the programme with newer and more modern features and tools as a result of the rising demand for it in the architecture and interior designing field.

With the aid of 3D models, this programme undoubtedly enables marketers in the architecture and interior designing field to divert the attention of many people to them. More accurate personal connections can be made between people and the ideas. This programme goes a long way because it makes it easier for professionals in the architecture and interior designing field to complete their work quickly.

Many businesses are eager to hire 3DS Max designers with the necessary qualifications. These businesses are on the lookout for young employees who are eager to learn new skills.

The sort of industry in which skilled 3DS Max designer applies their abilities largely determines their income. A 3DS Max designer should be proficient in VRAY, texturing, 3D modelling, 3D animation, and other fundamental skills. Since there is a bright future for 3d max in the field of architecture, the majority of new graduates are eager to use their skills in this profession.

Whether we are building custom restorations from floor to ceiling or adding the last touches to textiles and furnishings, the 3ds Max modelling and rendering programme allows us to realise our vision down to the tiniest detail. Explore, hone, and clarify our concepts while also helping our clients or colleagues see what it would be like to live in the environment we have created and planned. Using 3ds Max is a competent and effective strategy to increase our competitive advantage. It enables us to visually convey our thoughts and tell our client’s story in a lovely and realistic way using authentic elements and details.

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December 17th, 2022

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These days, your home is an extension of your design taste and preferences. And your designer takes great care when adding these details to your home. Of course, you can do that yourself! But your designer knows the trending interior design styles. And he/she combines that knowledge with your inputs to create that dream decor in your home.

It is always better to have a basic idea about different interiors out there. Well, think about it like this- when you buy a shirt, you browse through many. And you select one only when it suits best to your choices. Here, you need to know how to tell the difference between different shirts. The same goes with your interior.

So, this blog tells you about the common six different interior design styles that can help you to decide the best for you.


A traditional interior is made of different elements that reflect the cultural/traditional practices in a region. Many factors influence this style, such as local materials, art forms, climate patterns and age-old practices. In international design platforms, it refers to 18th & 19th century European Interiors. But in our country, all states have their own traditional interior design styles.



These interiors arrived when the early 19th century designers and architects were fed up of extravagant and wasteful designs. They developed a more simple and elegant style which the local people could also afford. This style moves away from traditional materials such as wood. It uses materials like glass, steel and leather. The color palette is quite soothing- white, black, grays and neutral tones.  You can observe how everything follows an order, a smooth line, in a modern interior. The design principle is ‘Less is more’.


This interior allows only a selected few basic things in its space. It tends to do away with all extra items. And that means, there is literally no scope of adding that favourite vase of yours, if it has no use in your interior! Thus, in a minimal bedroom, you can easily spot a bed and a humble wardrobe. And the dressing table,side table etc may either camouflage in the background or may show limited presence. Though it sounds easy going, it actually requires some clever planning on the designer’s part.



This is a safe bet if you want your interior to be simple like modern style,but with your personal choice of colours. An intresting point to note here is that the style changes with time. So this space may show the simple lines and flowing designs. Still, the grays, black and whites may move out to give way to earthy tones. Aand another feature that stands out is the presence of warm lights. Also, when it comes to materials,don’t have to stick with steel and glass. You are free to add other materials of your choice. And again, you can mix it with a regional influence ( aka traditional) or any period style.



Think about a warehouse. You may picture a big room mostly in brickwork, with supply pipes running across or along the cornices. You may notice a certain ruggedness about the place. And this feel is what this style is about. It adds that bold touch to a space. A lot of storage spaces are open shelves. Simple furniture and muted colors, mostly burnt siennas, are its trademarks. It may sound a bit off to you, but have a look at some of them. You will know why they are big.


This style has a certain charm.. a rugged look, but that ends up making it all the more cozy. We are talking about natural stones, wooden beams and posts, large and boxy wooden furniture, thick soft elements. Add a dash of neutral colors, white walls and matt metal accessories. At times, you may spot a faux animal hide. A fireplace is another piece of charm in it. It eludes a warm,homely feel.

For more rustic interior design inspiration

You can also find extension of  each style in the associated landscape of these houses. You can find a lot many other styles out there. In fact, you can also mix and match them with one of these, if that’s what your heart desires! After all, it is all about selecting the best from all types of interior design  styles, for your dream home.




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July 4th, 2018

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One of the most sought-after profession these days is that of Architecture. The common idea is that, architecture is all about making buildings. But is it, really? Isn’t that exactly what a mason does as well? Or for that matter, a structural/civil engineer? Then what makes architecture distinct from these two subjects? Do you have it in you what it takes to be an architect? Well, if you are thinking about pursuing architecture as a career, read on.

The Greek term ‘arkhitekton'(meaning chief builder) evolved into the Latin term ‘architectura’. This gave birth to the medieval term ‘architecture’ in English. Thus, it is obvious that  architecture has to do something with planning and constructing buildings. But, a lot of the process has an active and direct connection with Art.

Art is the tool which an architect uses to design a building. This adds that creative streak to it. Obviously,engineers and masons can survive without this part. However, there is no architecture without art. And that is why an architect’s signature is seen in the style in which he shapes his structures.

How will I study Architecture?

Currently, if you want to study mainstream architecture in India, B.Arch is the course for you. B.Arch stands for Bachelors in Architecture. The course duration is Five years and you have to pass NATA to be eligible for admission. The Council of Architecture regulates all NATA related procedures Click here to know more about NATA .

What will  study in Architecture?

You will study a lot about art and about buildings. This includes the exterior parts such as landscapes or public structures. You will be influential in directing construction practices of the society. Take for instance, the first architect known historically-Imhotep. He designed the pyramid of Djomer in 2630-2611 BC. Mastabas were used to bury the pharaohs before he came up with the pyramidal construction. So before you set on your architectural journey,know what you will learn. A few  of the subjects are

  • Architecture Design
  • Building Construction
  • Building Management
  • Architecture History
  • Architectural Drawing
  • Computer & Software Lab
  • Workshop Skills
  • Design Applications
  • Training
  • Thesis Project

These are just a few of the different subjects you will learn.

Can I become a successful Architect?

How you work as an architect depends on primarily where you live. An efficient architect makes good use of local climate and resources. But more than that, a successful architect makes the best use of everything to make the client’s dream project come true. Therefore,the impact of your workmanship stays with your client for his lifetime.

To become such an architect, you need to be creative. You should be able to put your imagination on paper. That means a lot of practice. Also, you need to absorb client’s preferences. Then, you need to design according to architectural guidelines. And make sure you do it in a way that everybody gains from it- be it you, your client or nature.

Develop the researcher in you. Also, make a habit of exploring, surveying and discovering. Since architecture demands innovation, make it a regular feature.

Also, make sure you are friends with technical requirements. Be familiar with the various design software and user-friendly support elements.  And try to apply the latest techniques in your practice.

How much will I earn as an architect?

Sky is the limit to your earnings! Start with working for an established architect for a a few years. Also, explore freelancing in architecture. This you can do by taking up small scale works which you can handle side by side. Finally, once you feel you are ready, take the plunge and begin your own independent firm.

Seek the type of work that you want to do-based on different styles,scale and type of work. Don’t worry, you will get a grip over these things with time!

Architecture is a great profession which can impact a society. And with the right attitude and determination, you can leave a mark of your own in this world, with architecture.

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June 22nd, 2018

Posted In: Architecture


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How much can an Interior Designer earn?

How much can an Interior Designer earn?

For a beginner, an interior designer can earn around 10000 to 20000 rupees. For an experienced professional, the pay scale can range between 50000- lakhs. Interior designers usually prefer setting up their own company once they are confident of working individually.

The interior designer who wishes to set up his own consultancy will require only minimum investment and will have ample chances to work with people of all strata, especially celebrities. An interior design course twinned together with software like AUTO CAD, 3Ds max, V-Ray, Premier, Photoshop, etc will always gain an upper hand.


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March 11th, 2017

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interior designer

What Is Interior Design and who are Interior Designers?

Interior Design… This very word today depicts ones STANDARD OF LIVING. People especially leading URBAN LIFESTYLE have started decorating their houses and offices using high-end interior designs. The necessity of interior design has increased due to less space in this growing URBAN WORLD. They want do have the maximum comfort in a limited space. These days small town too have started renovating their houses and appoint professional for decorating the interiors of their house.

The current interior designing scenario has increased the need of TRAINED PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS. Earlier days the building and designing of a house or Office was left in the hands of an Architect. But with growing needs and specifications of people qualified INTERIOR DESIGNERS had to be conceived. Hence a well qualified and highly talented interior designer is born.

What are the types of Interior Design Courses?

With the INTERIOR DESIGN DEMAND growing by leaps and bounds, the need for INTERIOR DESIGNERS has been infinite. An interior designer must make sure he/she meets the below-given criteria to become a complete professional.


Once a person qualifies all the above, then, he is a fully trained and able designer.

Vismayam’s Interior Design Course


VISMAYAM COLLEGE OF ARTS AND MEDIA offers INTERIOR DESIGN COURSES from OPEN UNIVERSITY OF MALAYSIA and BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY. Students can benefit a lot by taking up these courses which helps them compete with professionals who have international standards.

The Bachelors degree in Interior Design offered by Bharathiar University has duration of three years.

The IPD offered by OPEN UNIVERSITY OF MALAYSIA comprises of two whole years, but the second year is an optional upgradation by the student.


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March 10th, 2017

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March 4th, 2017

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