
Designers, these days, have a big task at hand- giving shape to creative interiors. Anybody can arrange things in a space. But it takes an efficient designer to chalk out a perfectly balanced one.

However, though it sounds simple, but dishing out creative interiors is not everybody’s cup of tea! And this is something that every designer agrees with. Even the best of designers tend to go through a ‘designer’s block’ experience.

And it is through these tough times that the basic skill sets come to the rescue of an average designer. So, what cracks the ice?

Creative Interiors : What? Why?


Before you jump into it, know what it actually means to make creative interiors. To begin with, such an interior is not only pleasing to the eyes, but also quite functional. Also, when it does not have any kind of negative space, it adds up to a lot more!

Now, why do we need to know more about it? Because creative interiors are in demand. In this ‘Insta’ age, keeping up with the element of surprise is quite a work! So, the quest for creativity in everything makes sense.

The grand picture is but a total of many little things. And the same is true for creative interiors also. For a designer to be skillful, there are many things that he/she needs to keep in mind.

How Can You Be Skillful Enough?

Creativity often refuses to follow rules. Yet, certain practices tend to influence its expression in the most wonderful ways.

1. Observe.


Nothing can beat the resources that you gather within, through the power of observing. Not only does it make you aware of the surroundings, but it also sharpens your memory power. Obviously, you need to have a fresh approach towards each work you take- making creative interiors is not a cakewalk!

2. Practice creativity- practice design.


Creativity is not a pill that your doctor can put you on to! Well, there is this notion that every person is born with a talent, a skill. And if it is creativity for you, then why not take it to another level? Also, if you want to be an interior designer, then just taking care of this part will work wonders for your future.

To begin with, simple sketching will do. As you progress, try to sketch beautiful spaces so that you familiarize yourself with lines and strokes. Once you feel confident, try to sketch creative interiors- fresh concepts from your designer soul!

Just don’t leave any opportunity that pushes you to make use of your talent. It could be painting, drawing, decorating, model making- anything- go grab it!

3. Be friends with interiors- explore & study them.


Though it only seems obvious, however, knowing about interiors definitely needs some work. Start by searching for creative interiors images. For that, even going through design magazines can be a humble beginning. Or you may also subscribe to a digital magazine.

If you come across unique spaces, try to observe and record the exact features that make it unique. Plus, reading about new ways of designing and decorating also fills up many voids inside. Design needs new inputs, make sure you regularly feed your talents.

4. Be friends with fellow designers, look up to seniors, mingle with budding ones.


Creativity does not have boundaries. And talent does not have a threshold! When you participate in design brainstorming, the output increases in terms of quality. Also, attend events that are platforms for like-minded people. With these steps, creative interiors become a cakewalk.

When you interact with budding designers, you get an idea about the latest developments in design field, such as, visualizing software for example. This gives you an advantage of moving with the times.

5. Develop your communication skills.


What is a perfect design worth, if not expressed perfectly?

Apart from the ability of making creative interiors, a designer should ABSOLUTELY be crisp in communication skills. No matter how beautiful your concepts are, communication is crucial. Whether it is client meeting, design presentation or site execution, clear communication forms the bridge between plan and implementation.

Of course, verbal communication skills are as important as non-verbal ones! At times, client may totally reject your concept of creative interiors at the presentation stage itself. At this point, it is very important to co ordinate with your team members and take the discussions forward in a progressive manner.

When you polish your communication skills with proper grammar and language command, you end up adding a lot of value to your persona. And first impressions are often the best impressions. With just the right communication, you can nail just anything and everything!


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Have you been thinking about a selecting a career lately? And do you have a creative bend of mind? If the answers to both the questions is a YES, then you have a Pandora’s box waiting for you- Design! And if houses, spaces and buildings fascinate you, then Interior designing is your call!


Yes, interior designing is not only an exciting field, but also quite in demand these days! Why? Well, look around- ever increasing population, decreasing square foot and ever-changing environment have challenged the very ways of our living.

And that is why architects, engineers and interior designers have a big role to play in shaping the future housings and living standards. These days, interiors are not only picture- perfect, but are low on wasteful practices. Also, clients want these spaces to help them in their day-to-day life. Which means, there is a lot of demand for all types of designers!

Interior Designing : The Art

Yes, part of the trade is Art, and a significant one as well! There is just so much of interior designing going on around and yet, each creative output has its own place in it. Be it a studio apartment or a penthouse, each space needs its own unique character. And the art of interior designing achieves this goal to perfection.

Obviously, there are many ways to attain that. But there is no denying the fact that art and its many forms have a big role in interior designing. So, many expressions such as paintings, curios (showpieces), antiques, sculptures, carvings and more, add their bit to the character of a space. Why even hand-drawn wall murals and sketches have their own charm!


As a designer, how do hone your artistic skills? For that to happen, the best thing to do would be to join an interior designing college. A place where you have crafted and capable minds who nurture you. And in the process, make the best of your artistic abilities in interior designing application.

Many people think that artistic bend of mind is a talent. However, very few people know that with the right training, you can definitely be a skillful artist.

Interior Designing: The Science

Interior Design has this part as well- the scientific part. When you have to plan furniture, you need to use aspects such as dimensions, measurements and even material science. All of this and many more, along with the aesthetics. Additionally, even the placement of components such as windows and doors, follow certain scientific principles.

Moreover, traditional practices such as Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra are perfect examples of the roles that scientific principles play in planning interiors.

Obviously, you cannot ignore the role of mathematics in design as well! Right from estimation to profit, you have to know your calculations pretty well!


One thing that you need to keep in your mind is, this science is not astrophysics or nuclear physics! It is simple addition, subtraction, multiplication… okay, you get it!

Then, there is this reasoning part of science. Interior designing has got a lot to do with logic. Since it is all about making a space task friendly and user friendly, you quite often need to put on your thinking cap!

Again, it becomes as easy as a breeze, if you study the details in a standard interior design college. Not only do you learn many scientific details, but through design projects, you learn about how to apply it as well!

Interior Designing: Team Work

As is with any other job, designing concepts may be yours, but you need an efficient team to make it happen. Only with a good team can you actually implement your designs on site. Again, you may be clueless- who all should be my team members?


Yes, designing is your forte, but building services such as plumbing, electricity, sound proofing, damp proofing, structural stability etc are some areas that need others’ opinions also. And by others, we are referring to plumbers, carpenters, masons, electricians- basically, your team members!

Whether you want to be an employee or have your own employees, the spirit of team work is essential in this field. Interior designers have to coordinate between many tasks of the same project. And with the correct communication among your team members, it becomes a breeze!



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