One of the most sought-after profession these days is that of Architecture. The common idea is that, architecture is all about making buildings. But is it, really? Isn’t that exactly what a mason does as well? Or for that matter, a structural/civil engineer? Then what makes architecture distinct from these two subjects? Do you have it in you what it takes to be an architect? Well, if you are thinking about pursuing architecture as a career, read on.
The Greek term ‘arkhitekton'(meaning chief builder) evolved into the Latin term ‘architectura’. This gave birth to the medieval term ‘architecture’ in English. Thus, it is obvious that architecture has to do something with planning and constructing buildings. But, a lot of the process has an active and direct connection with Art.
Art is the tool which an architect uses to design a building. This adds that creative streak to it. Obviously,engineers and masons can survive without this part. However, there is no architecture without art. And that is why an architect’s signature is seen in the style in which he shapes his structures.
Currently, if you want to study mainstream architecture in India, B.Arch is the course for you. B.Arch stands for Bachelors in Architecture. The course duration is Five years and you have to pass NATA to be eligible for admission. The Council of Architecture regulates all NATA related procedures Click here to know more about NATA .
You will study a lot about art and about buildings. This includes the exterior parts such as landscapes or public structures. You will be influential in directing construction practices of the society. Take for instance, the first architect known historically-Imhotep. He designed the pyramid of Djomer in 2630-2611 BC. Mastabas were used to bury the pharaohs before he came up with the pyramidal construction. So before you set on your architectural journey,know what you will learn. A few of the subjects are
These are just a few of the different subjects you will learn.
How you work as an architect depends on primarily where you live. An efficient architect makes good use of local climate and resources. But more than that, a successful architect makes the best use of everything to make the client’s dream project come true. Therefore,the impact of your workmanship stays with your client for his lifetime.
To become such an architect, you need to be creative. You should be able to put your imagination on paper. That means a lot of practice. Also, you need to absorb client’s preferences. Then, you need to design according to architectural guidelines. And make sure you do it in a way that everybody gains from it- be it you, your client or nature.
Develop the researcher in you. Also, make a habit of exploring, surveying and discovering. Since architecture demands innovation, make it a regular feature.
Also, make sure you are friends with technical requirements. Be familiar with the various design software and user-friendly support elements. And try to apply the latest techniques in your practice.
Sky is the limit to your earnings! Start with working for an established architect for a a few years. Also, explore freelancing in architecture. This you can do by taking up small scale works which you can handle side by side. Finally, once you feel you are ready, take the plunge and begin your own independent firm.
Seek the type of work that you want to do-based on different styles,scale and type of work. Don’t worry, you will get a grip over these things with time!
Architecture is a great profession which can impact a society. And with the right attitude and determination, you can leave a mark of your own in this world, with architecture.
Landscape design: When you think of your dream home, the landscape has an important place in it. For example, think about a house that grabbed your attention when you passed by it. Most probably, it must have featured an exquisite landscape design. If you have plans to design your garden this year, read on. In 2018, landscape design is all about sustainability. Add glamour to your garden but not at the cost of our planet! This may sound tricky to you. But, fear not- this blog will help you out with seven tips to rock your garden.
Mother nature knows what’s the best vegetation for your soils. Follow her trends, to begin with! The naturally available plants and landscape elements are suitable to your local climate area. So it makes your work easier both on the aesthetics part as well as your budgeting. Local vegetation means low and easy maintenance with high yield. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that it is trending this year in landscape design arena.
It is a known fact that water crisis is an impending disaster. Thus, landscape designers are going for maximum permeability in their gardens. Every drop counts- and they are leaving no chance to ensure that their gardens are saving rain water. So, you can opt for permeable materials such as brick, gravel, grass pavers and stone. It makes your lanscape ‘breathe’ into a supporting ecological system. All thanks to the design sensibility!
This year, designers have taken indoor zones outside the house, into the gardens. When you start with your landscape design, try to make it an interactive area. Popular garden trends include informal seating area, play zones, dining area, walking pavements and so on. Know the scope of your garden and what your family needs. And include it in your garden area.
Your urban dwelling may not have a huge clearance available. So, landscape design this year has experimented on making a multipurpose garden. Add features that can be made use of in different ways. You can have such furniture or structural feature, either ready made or custom-made. Talk to your designer about it.
Vegetable gardens have been around for quite sometime now. However, this year has seen a huge demand for such garden patches. And landscape designers understand the importance of healthy nutrition. They are going with the flow. This feature was a regular at residential gardens- but now, even hotels are seriously considering this concept. The kitchen garden is a treasure since it provides fresh supplies without any adulteration worries.
You can extend that homely feel to your garden by adding similar design touches. Get inspired from the plan layout. And use the influence for deciding the location of certain garden elements. That means, your home may contain points that offer visual connection to your garden. So use them in a way that your garden views makes you happy even from within your home! You can also opt for similar colour schemes or textures while deciding on vegetation. Also, you may consider furniture styling as well. Moreover, you can definitely add elegance by opting for landscape lighting. The present market has many economic options on offer. Depending on your choice and budget, go with it.
A small water body is a great feature to connect with nature. It can be as simple as a small water fountain or a sober swimming pool. Or, you can opt for a small man-made pond( By small, I mean as much as your garden allows!). Water is a great medium that adds vibrance and calmness all around it. And with its own set of flora and fauna, it adds a surreal charm to your home.
Gardens are a great way to connect with nature. A good landscape design reflects the owner’s taste and modern environmental sensibilities. Do your bit by indulging in sustainable gardens that make your home and this world a better place to live in.
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Once you decide to be a successful designer, there is nothing stopping you! But a large part of it also depends on the Interior design institute you choose to learn the art from. Therefore make sure that you choose nothing but the best from the rest! Here are twelve reasons why you should join Vismayam (Calicut).
An experience of 18 plus years in the design industry makes Vismayam the best Interior design Institute. Here, the programs on offer will provide you with course contents according to current design industry. Therefore, with time you gain industry oriented skills and knowledge after course completion.
Creative minds develop further at Vismayam. Many worthy students at present work as senior designers at reputed architecture firms. Many others work as freelance interior designers, who have established own interior design firms. Yes, office management comes easy to you at Vismayam.
The placement support at Vismayam begins right from your admission day. Here, a dedicated placement cell keeps track of your performances. And this leads to student placements according to each student’s potential. Thus,once you complete your course you will have job openings based on your talent and interests.
The field experience of Vismayam faculty members helps you with using bookish contents practically. Moreover, Added teaching skills makes the learning process as smooth as butter! Vismayam team believes in the motto ‘Learning by doing.’ As they say, good teachers know how to bring the best out of students.
The best interior design institute is one which has airy classrooms and design studios. State-of-the-art labs with latest design software are must! And ultimately, nothing beats the thrill of a creative environment. And if that is what you are searching for, Vismayam College is the answer.
The students are the flag bearers of Vismayam to the outer world. So, it only adds to the importance that students have in Vismayam’s way with things. That means, you have access to a strong support system. Your opinions matter when it comes to your future.
A perfect interior design institute will shape you into a design professional. And the same happens at Vismayam College. Sessions on personality development, grooming, soft skills and interview techniques will make you job-confident! And with time, it only gets better. Well,as they say, Rome was not built in a day!
Every now and then, a practicing designer or architect is assigned to teach a subject or two. So, you get to know their views. And they often provide you with valuable tips.This helps you to stay connected with latest trends and practices. After all, role models are meant to show you the way to success.
A good interior design institute has a lot of study resources. Thus, Vismayam has roomy library that features regular update. It also contains digital resources. Basically at Vismayam, everything is set. Just go grab a book already!
Learning at Vismayam pours outside the four walls of classrooms. So you will have regular site visits, market surveys, and interactive sessions. The hosts are usually topic experts from the field. Add to it, some serious workshops, seminars, presentations and exhibitions. These help you in taking your creativity to next level. You won’t even know when you let your ‘first-time’ fear go and you will gain confidence each time.
The academic programs at Vismayam are accredited by Calicut University, Bharathiar University and Open University of Malaysia. So, it means that you can confidently pursue Interior Design studies at Vismayam.
There are many ways to make our planet a better place to live. Of course, as an interior designer, you are one among those who can make it happen. And so, Vismayam ultimately works to make your success dream come true- with added goodness. It will make you realize your own talents, strengths and weaknesses. And then, it helps you in making the correct use of it all! When it comes to work, you may have to face many types of people with whom you will work. With Vismayam, you learn the definite steps that lead to success.
Are you still searching for more reasons?Then click on
When you think of a career, you see yourself in a stable work environment. Apart from providing the monthly salary, it should also make you feel good about yourself and your work. One moment you feel that interior design is the perfect profession for you. The next morning you wake up with the question,’Is Interior Design a good career choice?’There are a lot of job opportunities these days. And more so, for creative and inquisitive minds. This holds true for Interior designing as well.
Interior Design is one of the best professional platform that an artistic and innovative person can select. But, there are certain things that one should know when it comes to a career in this field.This blog will help you in making an informed decision when it comes to interior design as a career choice.
Interior Design field is highly dependent on design value. To have an appreciable value, and the design should be original and highly appealing. And for that to happen, creativity is a must.
Interior Design is connected to colors. You should be able to think ahead before deciding on the final output on paper. Each color has its own effect in an interior. We are not talking about red, blue and yellow. We are hinting towards lilac, turquoise, teal, peach, tangerine and so on. Not the names, but the colors.
A master piece needs continuous efforts. Sometimes it takes a lot of time to work out a design. You should be patient all the while. When working on a project with a deadline, it is crucial that you maintain your composure while designing.
Designing an interior is not a one-man show. It requires efficient teamwork. As a designer, you will meet many types of people as clients, managers or co-workers. Therefore, you should develop a knack of making things happen working as a team member.
Yes, window shopping is a very important part of Interior design! If you want to stay ahead in the business, it helps a great deal. A typical interior consists of furniture, lights, curtains, cushions, wall finishes and many other materials. If you find happiness in browsing these markets, then Interior Design is for you.
Interior design as a profession requires a lot of site visits, meetings, working on the design software, creating blueprints and so much more. Due to these, you end up enjoying the scopes of work this field brings to you. Each day presents you with a new design challenge. So, if you are up to it, then Interior Design is the right career choice for you.
Do you find yourself observing interiors and coming up with alternative suggestions or trying to improvise the design value of your surroundings? If your friends seek your advice for their home interiors, consider taking up this profession.
Once you are sure that Interior design is a good career choice for you, take the next step towards becoming one. Select a good interior design college that equips you with a strong knowledge base. The right training will give wings to your dream of becoming a successful interior designer.
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