A social media manager is a person who takes care of a company’s involvement in the social media. He is usually responsible for advertising and social marketing. He plans and also sets goals. He gives leads and sales ideas to the team. Get the apt content to present his company in the social world. He has a major role in creating a wonderful reputation and creating awareness about a particular brand.
A highly motivated person who is skilled creatively and who can connect instantly with present and future customers is a successful media manager. A highly skilled and experienced person as social manager is always in high demand by reputed companies. Social media managers, who are freshers, will gain experience and can master the skill by mingling with customers. A successful media manager usually has customers who were initially their fans on social media.
The social media manager has many responsibilities. The first and foremost responsibility should be Content of a company in the social media platform. A good content is the face of a company in the social media. So the social media manager should be updating content every now and then.
He should also ensure good multimedia and visual design as the viewer is easily attracted towards them. There should be consistent visual branding. He should always set clear and realistic objectives.
As mentioned earlier, a successful media manager is a person who converts his fans in to customers. He should first learn to identify them. He should always target the best customers and attend personally to them.
Development of a brand name is very important. The social media manager should take all the necessary steps to get the brand name as bright as possible.
Most of the media managers are highly qualified and have additional qualifications to support their role. Most of social media managers are full time salaried individuals. A fresher might earn few thousands, but and experienced professional will earn more thousands and are eligible for incentives also.
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Goods and Service Tax, famously termed as GST, is the biggest move by Indian Government. It was launched on July 1, 2017. It is considered as the biggest reformation in the Indian Indirect Tax structure. Its main purpose is maintaining ONE SINGLE TAX from the hands of the manufacturer to the hands of the final customer. The actual meaning is that the final consumer of the goods will have to bear the entire tax. Different taxes such as VAT, Excise and service tax will all be under one name – GST.
There were four GST bills that were passed in the Union Cabinet,
- Central GST bill
- The Compensation Bill
- Integrated GST Bill
- Union Territory Bill
While there are some difficulties faced with GST, it’s in a way good as there will be an Uniform tax. The manufacturers will benefit hugely from this as their tax rate is reduced.
Scope and Career –The GST Effect
The people who have benefitted the most after the launch of GST ARE THE Commerce graduates. Their career Scope has raised to a higher level. Their salary has increased by more than 80-100%. The demand for commerce graduates has suddenly increased. BCom is the gateway for Commerce and accounts which plays a pivotal role in GST. Hence students who are currently getting into colleges have started applying for BCOM.
Seminars and specials courses are being conducted everywhere for GST Awareness. Crash courses are much in demand and each every Institute are conducting the crash courses and they are adding a special subject in GST for their Commerce and Accounts students.crash courses and they are adding a special subject in GST for their Commerce and Accounts students.
Previously, a fresh commerce graduate used to earn 10000- 15000 per month. But with the newfound GST, their salary has gone up to 20000 per month. Experienced professionals are earning in four or five figures as their salary.
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